in case you people have not noticed my site was finished several days ago but did not feel like posting any thing ,accutly its getting about 20 hits a day witch i think is decent (i guss)
its dedicated to krinkels madness combat sires and newgrounds and its history and it usuers unfotuaty is pretty expencive bout 9.80$ a month so come and visit me at where "It Iz WhAt iT Iz"
10/27/07 son of a bictch my site just went down all that hard work 'FUCK'
10/30/07 okey my friends its back because of 3 hr of work and because 50 megs is a sucky web hoster ,but im tha ass who chose it. so come here and leave comment about the site if you like it good for you, if you dont well you can just get bent.oh by the way my real name is shawn
k .......
kkk oh ya